Tennessee, USAGFQ|Durzo4 years ago

Are you guys planning on adding Boss Rush 7? I’ve got a few good runs ready to go 👍

Tennessee, USAGFQ|Durzo4 years ago

For general play, my mains are movie heroes and sibling’s bond/ goku’s family.

For speed runs, I use a modified Fusion/ PHY team:

LR Gogeta 3 dupes STR Gogeta Rainbow AGL SS Gogeta 2 dupes PHY SS Gohan (movie support) PHY Kid Buu Rainbow AGL Turles no dupes

I know it seems weird since Turles gets no boost at all, but most rounds are done in two hits anyways so it’s not usually an issue. He’s only there for support. His KI and Attack bonus makes a huge difference for the hard hitters

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